BLOG : Blog v Wiki

Wiki and blog both provide us with information. A blog is like a journal entry where people can post entries daily about anything. One strength of the blog is that the most recent entry is listed first. On the other hand, a wiki allows users to add, remove, or edit all content quickly and easily without the need for registration. One weakness of the wiki is that the content can sometimes be misleading. People may add incorrect information on wikis. They are not always written by experts. A wiki enables documents to written together in a simple markup language. Wikis can be created and updated easily.
As we moving on with our lives convergence is becoming more important in today’s world. Our country is getting so corporate where people have to work together to get things done and share each other’s information through the technology. According to Margret Locher in her article she talks about how tony uses wiki to work on his project. What he has done was the project was available on a wiki page and his team would come in and contribute their ideas. As a result, this brought his team closer and made their decision making better and faster.
We live in a world where sharing thoughts and give other information got so much easier. For instant we can talk about blogging in education propose. They provide the students and teachers with a place for developing their writing and other skills and provide an advantage of instance view. The teachers have the ability of providing the students with tips so that the students can practice and take full advantage who needed.  Blogs made it very easy for online mentoring. The students also have the opportunity of contributing in the different learning activities which can improve their skills efficiently and in a motivating way. Besides using blogs in educational purpose it also has therapeutic benefits. In the article “Blogging--I’ts Good for You” by Jessica Wapner discusses that blogging very beneficial for reduce stress and produce many physiological benefits, as well as improves memory and sleep.
A way wiki can be useful is for every company to have a wiki website where companies can post what important dates and upcoming events, or what projects are coming up, or what new ideas employees can contribute. For example, you never know who has what kind of talent and skills by looking at their face. Resume does not say everything about that person, ones idea can take the company on different level. So wiki would work as an informative page for employees only to access, and this way we can all interact and share ideas. 


  1. Exactly! I just can't seem to get with the Wiki flow. Its alarming that ANYONE can update and change information so it makes me consider how factual is the information I am receiving from such a site.


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